I am working here with
two limited
movement patterns.
These patterns unfold into a choreography through two interweaving
processes. Through a
process of recognition
and by paying a close attention towards an
individual logic and geometry of a gesture, and through a process of negotiating directions, rhythm
intensity while moving.
What do you really miss?
Choreography flows out of a personal and sensual relation to
space, geometry and rhythm.
Choreography & dance →
Maria Zimpel
In frame of →
SoloProject2012 Old Brewery New Dance,
Ria Higle
Production →
Art Stations Foundation by Gražyna Kulczyk
/ SoloProject2012
→ 15.09.2012 Premiere
Solo Projekt / Stary Browar /
Studio S łodownia+3 / Poznañ
→ 10.01.2013
Tanz Tage / Sophiensaele /
Berlin / Niemcy
→ 24.04.2013
Stary Browar / Studio S
łodownia +3 / Poznañ
→ 02.09.2016
Powrót do Przyszłošci /
Galeria Sztuki im. Jana Tarasina / Kalisz
→ 11.12.2016
Poruszone ciała. Choreografie
nowoczesnošci / Muzeum Sztuki ms1 / Łódž
→ 22.05.2017
Nonverbal Festival / Praga /
Czech Republic