

The same story vary, depending on who speaks and who listens. Choreography Epic is about passing through the space. Dancer goes through the fields of potential movements and animates them dancing. The space is woken up with imagination and a thought. The act of thinking is understood here as motion. This choreography is a personal anthropology of movement, a choreography of thoughts.

  • Choreography → Maria Zimpel
  • Music → fragment from ‘Druid’s Circle’ by Johna Surmana
  • Consultation → Thomas Plischke

  • → 2009 Uferstudios / HzT / Universität der Künste / Berlin,
  • → 16.01.2010 Musée de la danse / Presentation de travaux / Choreographic Center Rennes / France
  • → 06.02.2010 BA Showing / SNDO School for New Dance Developement / Amsterdam